Are there spiders with 12 eyes?

Most spiders have eight eyes.
Some have no eyes and others have as many as 12 eyes.
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Do any spiders have 10 eyes?

Spiders have very tiny waists compared to other arachnids. Spiders can have anywhere from zero to eight eyes, but most species have eight.
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Do spiders have 20000 eyes?

Spiders usually have eight or fewer eyes (some have six or less). Most web building spiders can't see well, instead they can detect changes in light and dark, which relates to their photoperiod (day/night) cues for web building.
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What is the most eyes on a spider?

Most spiders have eight eyes, but some species have six, four, two, or even no eyes. Even within a single species, the number of eyes may vary, but it's always an even number.
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Are there spiders with more than 8 eyes?

First, the number of eyes a spider has can vary from none up to eight. Some spiders that live in caves where there is no light have no eyes. For most spiders, six and eight eyes is common.
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Lucas The Spider Creator Explains How He Makes People Fall In Love With Spiders | The Dodo

What animal has a thousand eyes?

Although chitons look very simple, these mollusks have a very sophisticated shell. Its outer layer contains up to 1000 tiny eyes, each a bit smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.
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How many eyes does a wolf spider have?

All wolf spiders have eight dark eyes arranged around their heads, or cephalothorax. Two large eyes gleam from the top of the head; two more large eyes peer out the front; and four smaller eyes form a row just above the spider's mouth.
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Do spiders watch you?

Jumping spiders are probably the only spiders that actually 'watch' you. This is due to their excellent vision. Other spiders like common house spiders, wolf spiders, and even tarantulas do not have good eyesight and probably cannot even see you if you are more than a few feet away.
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Is there a spider without eyes?

With a leg span of only six centimetres and a body size of around twelve millimetres, the spider Sinopoda scurion is certainly not one of the largest representatives of the huntsman spiders, which include more than 1100 species. However, it is the first of its kind in the world without any eyes.
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Do ants have eyes?

Most ants have two large compound eyes. They have a set of simple eyes, which consist of many omatidia (eye facets) ocelli, which detect light and shadow. Ants also have two antennae they use to recognize their nest mates and detect enemies.
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How many eyes does a mosquito have?

Eye: Mosquitoes have two large compound eyes that detect movement.
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Are spiders 8 eyes?

Spiders usually have eight eyes but few have good eyesight.

Some spiders have median eyes that can detect polarised light and they use this ability to navigate while hunting.
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How many eyes does a butterfly have?

Butterflies have two eyes just like we do. But butterfly eyes are called compound eyes because they have many, many lenses. That means butterflies can see many different things in many directions all at the same time.
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Can spiders fart?

Since the stercoral sac contains bacteria, which helps break down the spider's food, it seems likely that gas is produced during this process, and therefore there is certainly the possibility that spiders do fart.
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Do spiders have 100 eyes?

The number of eyes on spiders varies from zero to eight. While most spider species have 8 eyes, some spiders like Sinopoda Scurion have no eyes at all!
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Do spiders have balls?

Although adult male spiders are like vertebrates in having a pair of abdominal testes, their genital apparatus only vaguely resembles that of a vertebrate.
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What's the biggest spider in the world?

With a leg span nearly a foot wide, the goliath bird-eater is the world's biggest spider. And it has a special defense mechanism to keep predators from considering it as a meal.
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Do blind spiders exist?

Huntsman spiders, like most spiders, are typically equipped with eight eyes. But researchers have discovered a new cave-dwelling species that ditched its peepers for a life in permanent darkness.
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Can spiders have less than 8 eyes?

Six-eyed spiders are spiders that, unlike most spider species miss the principal pair of eyes, leaving them with only six eyes instead of the usual eight.
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Why are jumping spiders so friendly?

Jumping spiders are friendly! Moreover, these spiders are rather curious, and carefully observe the humans around them, before approaching a hideout. They tend to shy away from direct contact and are generally, not aggressive towards humans – making them appear adorable and sociable!
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Do spiders fear humans?

Are spiders afraid of humans? Yes. This is why spiders are most commonly encountered in seldom used areas such as garages, attics, basements, closets, or guest rooms. Spiders are antisocial and try their best to avoid human contact.
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Does killing a spider attract more spiders?

No, dead spiders won't attract other spiders. At least not directly, but it might indirectly as their carcass can turn into food for other insects and attract other spiders to eat said insects.
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How many eyes does a black widow spider have?

The widow spiders have eight eyes arranged in two rows of four and their vision is quite poor.
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How many eyes does a scorpion have?

Scorpions are easily distinguished by their long sting-bearing tail and a pair of pincers on long arms, known as pedipalps, at the front of the body. Despite having six to twelve eyes - an obvious pair at the centre of the carapace and two to five smaller eyes on each side - scorpions do not have good eyesight.
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Are daddy long legs poisonous?

Daddy long legs, also known as cellar spiders, contain venom and possess fangs, but there has been no evidence of their fangs being too short to cut through human skin or of their venoms being deadly and poisonous to humans. In reality, daddy long legs are not poisonous or dangerous to humans and are not known to bite.
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