What is the pill for in The Giver?

According to community rules, Jonas must take a pill to stop “the stirrings,” or the onset of sexual desire during puberty. Jonas's mother gives him the pills after he talks about an erotic dream in which he wanted to bathe Fiona, which reveals Jonas's burgeoning sexuality.
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What are the pills in the giver called?

He dreamt of his friend Fiona and had a strong sense of 'wanting' her. His mother explains that this feeling is called the 'stirrings'. Jonas now has to take a daily pill to make the 'stirrings' stop, just like everyone else in society.
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What pills did Jonas mother give him?

Jonas's parents recognize the wanting in his dream about Fiona as the first stirrings of the sexual urges that accompany adolescence, and his mother gives him a pill that puts a prompt stop to them. Notice that there is no real shame attached to sexuality in Jonas's society.
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Why did Jonas stop taking his pills in the giver?

Jonas stops taking the pills just so he can experience the sensation of wanting something, not because he has hopes to start a sexual relationship with another person.
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What are stirrings?

noun Usually stirrings . a mental impulse, sensation, or feeling: stirrings of hope. a small movement: the best thing she could do was to pretend that her husband's nocturnal stirrings didn't wake her.
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Mom Gives Her A Mysterious Pill Which Turns Out To Be....| Movie Story Recapped

What was the treatment for stirrings?

In The Giver, the treatment for stirrings is a small pill taken every morning.
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How long will Jonas have to take the pills?

These pills are taken by children in the early stages of adolescence, and then for the rest of their lives, including as adults, until they are released.
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Why does Jonas feel proud to take the pills?

He was proud to have joined those who are taking the pills. How did Jonas feel about the stirrings? He found them pleasurable, and wished he could feel them again.
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What happens when Jonas stops taking his pills?

Four weeks after Jonas stops taking his pills, an unscheduled holiday is declared in the community. His Stirrings have returned, and he has pleasurable dreams that make him feel a little guilty, but he refuses to give up the heightened feelings that the Stirrings and his wonderful memories have given him.
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How did Jonas feel about taking the pills?

How did Jonas feel about taking the pills? He was proud to have joined those who are taking the pills. How did Jonas feel about the stirrings? He found them pleasurable, and wished he could feel them again.
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Is The Giver a love story?

There's a love story.

The biggest change in bringing The Giver to the screen is the addition of a love story for now post-adolescent Jonas.
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How are babies made in The Giver?

Babies are created through a carefully controlled interaction between an anonymous man and a birthmother.
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Who named the baby The Giver?

A Newchild (Plural: Newchildren) is a term used to describe children in the Community that have recently been born, by Birthmothers. If a Newchild is qualified, they are presented to their assigned parents and given their names at the Naming Ceremony.
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What is Asher's assignment?

In the book, Asher (Cameron Monaghan) is assigned to be the Assistant Director of Recreation. On screen, he's made a Pilot, which helps add an additional layer of drama to the end of the film when Jonas flees from the authorities, and Asher is sent to search for him.
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What do Elevens get in The Giver?

In the Ceremony of Eleven, female and male Elevens are given new clothing as their bodies are going through puberty. The males are given special calculators to use in school, which come in a wrapped package.
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Why did Jonas take the apple?

Jonas had taken the apple because, while playing catch with his friend Asher, he had noticed the apple change in a way he could not describe. On closer investigation, the apple remained the same shape, size, and nondescript shade as always, but then it would briefly change again, though Asher did not seem to notice.
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What do the 10s get in The Giver?

Ceremony of Ten- Haircuts..... girls lose their braids, boys have their haircut above the ears. Ceremony of Eleven- New Clothes, the girls get undergarments; the boys get longer pants with deep pockets.
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Why is Lily anxious to turn 9?

Why is Lily anxious to turn 10? She will have to cut her hair and not wear her hair ribbons. Explain what happens at the ceremonies for ones, fours, sevens, eights, nines and tens. With the ones, a baby gets a name and a family.
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Why is Lily anxious to turn 10 in The Giver?

Why is Lily anxious to turn 10? She can cut her hair and will not have to wear ribbons. The wind whistled as Jonas sped by on his bike.
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What would Jonas's father do when the twins were born?

What would the father do the next day when the identical twins were born? He had to weigh them, keep the heavier one, and Release the smaller of the two.
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Does Jonas ever see Fiona again?

But Lowry says the film itself isn't consumed by the relationship between Jonas and Fiona, except for a line in the final scene in which Jonas says, "I knew I would see Fiona again." "I've written four books now (in this series) and he never sees her again," Lowry tells The News.
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How was Fiona able to release the Olds without it affecting her emotionally?

How was Fiona able to release the Olds without it affecting her emotionally? She had no feelings. What was the ritual at the end of each evening meal? Each family member would share their feelings of the day.
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How does Jonas feel about no longer experiencing stirrings?

10. Tell how Jonas feels about no longer experiencing Stirrings. They were pleasurable, and he would like to experience them again.
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How many babies do birth mothers get to have in the Giver?

During the conversation, we learn that Birthmothers give birth to three babies over a three-year period. Each newchild is immediately taken away from its Birthmother and is cared for by Nurturers in the Nurturing Center until the newchild is placed with a family unit at the December Ceremony.
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