What is the meaning of not fit to hold a candle?

Also, not fit to or cannot hold a candle to. Be inferior to someone or something, as in This hotel can't hold a candle to the Palace, or This new friend of his is not fit to hold a candle to his former buddies.
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What does it mean when you can't hold a candle?

If someone or something is just not as good enough when compared to another, it is said that it can't hold a candle to the far superior, much better version.
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What is the origin of Can't hold a candle to mean?

The phrase can't hold a candle to has its roots in the 1600s, when the lowly apprentice to a master of a craft might only be fit to hold a candle in order to provide light for the master while he tends to a problem. An apprentice who was not even skillful enough to hold a candle for his master was worthless, indeed.
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What is the meaning of can't hold a candle to to do too much and overwork oneself to be not as good as something else to shine less brightly submit?

If you say that one person or thing can't hold a candle to another, you meant that the first person or thing is not nearly as good as the second.
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What is the meaning of full of hot air?

hot air. Empty, exaggerated talk, as in That last speech of his was pure hot air. It is also put as full of hot air, as in Pay no attention to Howard—he's full of hot air. This metaphoric term transfers heated air to vaporous talk. [
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English Idioms | Can't hold a candle to

What does can't hold water mean?

to be unable to keep a secret or unable to stop yourself from talking about something: Don't tell her anything - she can't hold her water.
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Why do we say long in the tooth?

A horse's teeth grow with age, and the length of the front teeth is often used as an indicator of equine age. Thus 'long in the tooth' equates to old age.
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Why do they say in a nutshell?

Concisely, in a few words, as in Here's our proposal—in a nutshell, we want to sell the business to you. This hyperbolic expression alludes to the Roman writer Pliny's description of Homer's Iliad being copied in so tiny a hand that it could fit in a nutshell.
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What does burn the candle at both ends?

To do more than one ought to; to overextend oneself: “His doctor said that his illness was brought on by stress and recommended that he stop burning the candle at both ends.”
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Is the game worth the candle meaning?

game is not worth the candle, the. The returns from an activity or enterprise do not warrant the time, money or effort required. For example, The office he is running for is so unimportant that the game's not worth the candle.
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Can't hold on meaning?

to make yourself continue to do what you are doing or stay where you are although it is difficult or unpleasant: If you can just hold on I'll go and get some help.
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What does back to square one mean?

Definition of go back to square one

: to start over His idea didn't work, so he had to go back to square one.
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What is the meaning of at a drop of a hat?

Immediately, without delay, as in We were ready to pack our bags and go on vacation at the drop of a hat. This phrase probably alludes to signaling the start of a race or other contest by dropping a hat. [ Late 1800s]
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What is the meaning of drop in the bucket?

A very small quantity, especially one that is too small. For example, These contributions are just a drop in the bucket; the new church wing will cost thousands more.
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What is the meaning eat your words?

to admit that something you said before was wrong: Sam said it would never sell, but when he sees these sales figures he'll have to eat his words.
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What is the meaning of give the cold shoulder?

Definition of the cold shoulder

: cold and unfriendly treatment from a person known to one He got the cold shoulder from his former boss when he saw him at a restaurant.
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What does blowing hot and cold mean?

To change one's mind constantly about the value of something: “The administration should stop issuing such contradictory statements on taxes; they are alienating the voters by blowing hot and cold on tax reform.”
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What is the meaning of live from hand to mouth?

Definition of hand-to-mouth

: having or providing nothing to spare beyond basic necessities a hand-to-mouth existence.
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What is the meaning butter someone up?

Definition of butter up

transitive verb. : to charm or beguile with lavish flattery or praise.
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What does it mean never look a gift horse in the mouth?

: to look in a critical way at something that has been given to one I noticed the guitar wasn't made of real wood, but I didn't say anything because you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
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What is the meaning get one's feet wet?

Definition of get one's feet wet

: to begin doing a new job, activity, etc., in usually a slow and simple way in order to become more familiar with it She got her feet wet at her new job by doing some simple filing tasks.
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What is the meaning of fair and square?

Definition of fair and square

: in an honest and fair manner He won the election fair and square.
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What does the term on the cuff mean?

1. On credit, as in He tried to hire a detective on the cuff. It is sometimes put as put on the cuff, meaning “extend credit to,” as in They asked to be put on the cuff until they got their monthly check. This usage probably alludes to the practice of recording bar tabs on the bartender's cuff. Also see off the cuff. [
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What is the meaning of the idiom water off a duck's back?

Definition of (like) water off a duck's back

informal. : having no effect on someone He tried to convince her to take the job, but his advice was like water off a duck's back.
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What does dont bat an eye mean?

US, informal. : to show no surprise, fear, concern, etc. He thought the news would make her upset, but she never batted an eye.
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