How painful is a Matrixectomy?

This in office procedure is painless once the toe is anesthetized. It takes less than a few minutes to complete the procedure. Once the toe is numbed up, the portion or portions of the nail that are causing the pain are removed using special sterilized instruments designed specifically for this procedure.
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What to expect after a Matrixectomy?

Complete Permanent Nail Removal (Matrixectomy)

Toe is bandaged in much the same manner as in a partial procedure, but pain and healing tend to last several weeks longer. After healing is complete the site of nail removal gets covered with healthy skin that from a distance can resemble a normal nail.
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How painful is toenail removal recovery?

Normal activity can resume after a few days of healing, but be mindful of bandaging while still using. There could be some discomfort during activities within the first week after toenail removal. Avoid hot tubs, swimming pools, or lakes during this 1-2 week recovery time.
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How long does a chemical Matrixectomy take?

The matrixectomy only takes 10-15 minutes and you walk out in regular shoes. Some doctors have you soak the are and others use medication and specialized bandages to promote healing. The area may get red from the chemical and there may be some drainage from the chemical.
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Will toenail grow back after Matrixectomy?

When performed with a chemical matrixectomy, the nail will not regrow and you will no longer suffer from the problems your toenail was causing. When performed without, the nail will regrow from scratch, a process that takes approximately 12 months.
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Continued Pain After a Partial Nail Avulsion? Could be a Result of Phenol Burn.

What is a full Matrixectomy?

Abstract. Matricectomy refers to the complete extirpation of the nail matrix, resulting in permanent nail loss. Usually however, matricectomy is only partial, restricted to one or both lateral horns of the matrix. Nail ablation is the definitive removal of the entire nail organ.
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How is a Matrixectomy performed?

A straight line is cut through this piece of the nail from the tip of the nail to the root. This portion of the nail is then completely removed. The surgeon will then treat the base of the nail (which is called the nail matrix) in order to prevent the ingrown toenail from coming back again.
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Is toe nail removal painful?

At the beginning of the procedure, the podiatrist or other specialist will numb the patient's toe. However, before the numbness sets in, the patient may feel a slight sting or burn from the numbing medication injected into the toe. This discomfort lasts about 10 seconds and fades away as the toe numbs.
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Does ingrown toenail surgery hurt?

The entire ingrown toenail surgery is completely painless due to the effects of the anesthetic. By the time the anesthetic wears off, your pain level will be significantly reduced from where it was before the procedure. Downtime is extremely minimal for almost all patients.
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How long after toenail surgery can I walk?

You can walk straight after nail surgery. Nail surgery is a great, curative option for an ingrowing toenail that recurs time and time again.
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When can I shower after toenail removal?

You may shower the day after the surgery. Gently dry the area and apply antibiotic ointment after showering. Avoid baths, swimming, or soaking the toe for the next 2 weeks. Try to keep the toe clean and dry.
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Why is my toe throbbing after ingrown toenail removal?

However, when the anaesthesia wears off after the surgery, patients often experience some level of soreness around the toe that underwent surgery. In some cases this may be followed by a small throb that lasts for a couple of days.
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What chemical is used in a Matrixectomy?

Phenol is the most commonly used agent for chemical matricectomy, but other agents, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and trichloroacetic acid (TCA), have shown high success rates for the cauterization of the lateral matrix horn (1).
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Do they numb you for ingrown toenail surgery?

To prepare you for surgery, your doctor will first clean and numb your toe with an anesthetic injection. This can be quite uncomfortable. A snug elastic band may be applied to the area near where your toe joins your foot. They may put a wedge under your nail to hold up the ingrown section.
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Can I be put to sleep for ingrown toenail surgery?

Ingrown toenail surgery is usually an outpatient procedure that involves the use of local anesthesia. Local anesthesia means that the person remains awake, but the doctor numbs the area so that the person cannot feel their toe. Some doctors offer a sedative or twilight anesthesia during the surgery.
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Can I drive after ingrown toenail surgery?

Driving after ingrown toenail surgery is highly risky and should be avoided. Anesthetic isn't going to wear out immediately after the procedure and this can hinder your driving ability. In the first couple of days, you should restrict unnecessary physical activity as much as possible.
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How long does it take for a toe to heal after toenail removal?

The wound should heal within a few weeks. If completely removed, fingernails may take 6 months to grow back. Toenails may take 12 to 18 months to grow back.
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How long does toenail removal surgery take?

The operation usually takes about 10 minutes and may involve one or more of the following techniques. Nail avulsion – Removing your whole toenail. Wedge excision – Removing part of your toenail where it is growing into the skin, along with the area of tissue in the corner that your toenail grows from.
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Will removing a toenail get rid of fungus?

Outright removing your toenails, however, is the absolute last resort option for treating toenail fungus, and only performed in very rare cases.
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What is phenol Matrixectomy?

Phenol matricectomy is a simple technique; it is conducted at the doctor's practice under local anaesthesia. The sequels of the procedure are straightforward and cause little pain; its results compare favourably with the best techniques (less than 3% recurrences). Phenol is a colourless crystal derived from coal.
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Why does my ingrown toenail still hurt after removal?

After the ingrown toenail surgery, it is possible that your toe can get infected. You will be noticing that the toe gets more red, swollen and the pain will continue and even get worse. You can also get more drainage or pus coming out of the toe.
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Does nail matrix grow back?

In most cases, the nail will grow back from the area under the cuticle (the matrix). A fingernail takes about 4 to 6 months to grow back. A toenail takes about 12 months to grow back. If the nail bed or matrix was damaged, the nail may grow back with a rough or abnormal shape.
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Is ingrown toenail surgery expensive?

Ingrown toenail treatment typically is covered by health insurance. For patients without health insurance, ingrown toenail treatment typically costs less than $50 for at-home treatment, but can reach $200-$1,000 or more if a doctor visit and a procedure to remove all or part of the toenail is required.
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