Do all reflexive verbs take être?

Reflexive verbs always use être as the auxiliary verb in Le Passé Composé. Note also that the verb must agree with the gender and number of the person.
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Is there agreement with être for reflexive verbs?

In the French pluperfect tense (Le Plus-que-Parfait), reflexive verbs use être as an auxiliary verb, just like in other compound tenses such as the French conversational past (Le Passé Composé). Remember that because of the auxiliary être, the past participle must agree with the subject of the verb.
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Do all pronominal verbs take être?

Accord avec verbes pronominaux. All pronominal verbs are être verbs in compound tenses and moods like the passé composé, which means that the past participles must agree with their subjects – at least in theory.
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What are the verbs that take être?

The following is a list of verbs (and their derivatives) that require être:
  • aller > to go.
  • arriver > to arrive.
  • descendre > to descend / go downstairs. redescendre > to descend again.
  • entrer > to enter. rentrer > to re-enter.
  • monter > to climb. remonter > to climb again.
  • mourir > to die.
  • naître > to be born. ...
  • partir > to leave.
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How do you know if a verb takes être or avoir?

DR MRS VANDERTRAMP is an acronym to help learners remember which verbs take être as their auxiliary. These are also sometimes called the “verbs of the house” (les verbes de la maison). In short, it's said that these verbs must use être when there is no direct object and avoir when there is a direct object.
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French Made Easy: Reflexive Verbs

What category of verbs always takes the auxiliary être?

Intransitive verbs of movement – when the following verbs are used intransitively*, they require être as their auxiliary: And their derivatives… * Intransitively = without a direct object. Most of these verbs can only be intransitive, so they always require être as the auxiliary.
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Is Dr Mrs Vandertramp avoir or être?

Application in French

Well, the VANDERTRAMP verbs use être as opposed to avoir when placed into the past tense. From the list of verbs above, the past participle is the word you would use after correctly conjugating être.
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How do you use être?

Être is used in four grammatical expressions:
  1. c'est – this is, that is.
  2. est-ce que – turn a statement into a question.
  3. être en train de – make a verb progressive.
  4. n'est-ce pas – ask for confirmation of a statement.
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What is the difference between pronominal verbs and reflexive verbs?

Reflexive verbs – subject acts on itself. Reciprocal verbs – subjects act on one another. Idiomatic pronominal verbs – reflexive pronoun changes the meaning of the verb. Essentially pronominal verbs – verb can only be used pronominally.
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Are reflexive and pronominal verbs the same French?

In French grammar, verbs called pronominal verbs use an extra pronoun. The extra pronouns are reflexive, meaning they typically reflect the subject of the verb, like (to) oneself does to a verb in English.
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Does plus que parfait agree?

In the case of reflexive verbs (which always take être as their auxiliary in the plus-que-parfait), the participle generally agrees with the subject.
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How many Vandertramp verbs are there?

There is another version of the Mrs Vandertramp mnemonic which I learned at school: the less memorably named Mrs Daventramp, who just includes a letter for each of the thirteen basic verbs, missing out any which are the same with an added prefix.
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Can any French verb be reflexive?

Some French verbs can be used with a reflexive pronoun or without a reflexive pronoun, for example, the verbs appeler and s'appeler, and arrêter and s'arrêter. Sometimes, however, their meaning may change.
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What are the 3 categories of pronominal verbs?

Pronominal verbs fall into three major classes based on their meaning: reflexive, idiomatic, and reciprocal.
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How do you use être in a sentence?

Être in the near Future
  1. Je vais être… I'm going to be….
  2. Tu vas être… You're going to be….
  3. Il/Elle va être… He/She's going to be…
  4. Nous allons être…. We're going to be…
  5. Vous allez être…. You're going to be….
  6. Ils/Elles vont être… They're going to be…
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What is the meaning of être?

Être (pronounced: ay-tr, with a soft 'r' at the end) is used to indicate how things are. Literally meaning 'to be', être can be conjugated with the various French subject pronouns, paired with adjectives or used in numerous idiomatic expressions. Each French pronoun requires a different conjugation of the verb être.
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How do you conjugate être?

Let's conjugate ÊTRE
  1. I am = Je suis. I am a woman = Je suis une femme.
  2. You are = Tu es (casual) You are so friendly = Tu es si gentil.
  3. She is = Elle est. ...
  4. He is = Il est. ...
  5. We are = on est. ...
  6. We are = nous sommes. ...
  7. You are = vous êtes (formal or you all) ...
  8. They are = Elles sont (for an exclusively feminine group)
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Why do some verbs use être in passé composé?

Verbs that indicate a change of state (devenir = to become) also use être when forming the passé composé. All reflexive verbs require the use of être when forming the passé composé.
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What is the difference between plus-que-parfait and imparfait?

The plus‐que‐parfait is the compound form of the imparfait (imperfect) and is formed by using the imperfect of the appropriate helping verb, avoir or être (have or be) and the participe passé (past participle) of the verb. Its English equivalent is “had” and the past participle.
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Why do we use plus-que-parfait?

The plus-que-parfait is used when the speaker needs to position one action with respect to another. Frequently its use will be signaled by adverbs (such as déjà) which can heighten the sense of opposition between actions: Quand je suis rentré, j'avais déjà appris la mauvaise nouvelle.
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Where can I use Subjonctif?

The subjunctive is used to express varied states of unreality or uncertainty like some kind of judgment, wish, possibility, opinion, doubt, emotion, or something that has not occurred yet. The subjunctive appears after certain words and conjunctions that have two parts and two different subjects.
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How do you know when to use pronominal verbs in French?

“Pronominal” is an adjective, it means “having a pronoun”. As we have just seen, pronominal verbs have a special pronoun before the verb: “me, te, se, nous, vous, se” (in addition to the French subject pronoun “je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles”).
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